If your reading this, you are a young wife and or a young mother.
I myself am in the same position you are.
I'm not going to lie to you.
Some days, you will think you made a HUGE mistake.
If you married a good man, just do the best you can everything will be okay.
It is a hard life being married so young, because you are trying to find your way in life for yourself, and now with someone else.
You will get into fights, that's normal, and probably at one point, you will believe that you hate them. Believe me, this will pass.
It takes a lot to truly love another person
And not just this throwing around "I love you" crap that's going on these days.
You will learn to TRULY love another person, and their faults.
Dirty Socks, That HORRID smell that is coming from the bathroom because he can't remember to turn on the fan, Falling in the toilet when you wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom because he forgot to put the toilet seat down, the money issues that come with trying to make it with no money, and all of the other lovely things that come with living with a brand new person.
If your like me, there will be times you just want to grab all of your things, and move on.
As long as he is a good man, it can be fixed, keep working until it is fixed. Don't give up, just because you feel as if you are better single. That's Stupid. There is a reason you married him, and you need to keep at it and fix it.
If your like me, you got pregnant young also.
Before you knew it, you had another life that you were also having to figure out how to take care of.
None of it seemed real.
All of those late night feedings, Bouncing until you put yourself to sleep instead of your baby, the newborn scream that made you want to jump out the nearest window and run away, it will pass. I promise.
That child loves you more than life, and needs you. You are his or her world.
Before you know it, you will have a beautiful child, that your wishing would've never grown up.
Just keep doing the very best you can!
Remember: If you need a break, THAT'S OKAY! Just lay your baby down in a safe place (Swings are SERIOUS life savers.), and take 5 minutes just to breath, and eventually you will have to do this.
I'm not going to lie to you, a crying baby will eventually make you probably cry yourself.
Just keep telling yourself that.
I have faith in you:)
If you are like me, it took you a while to realize that little baby was yours, and I didn't immediatley fall in love like everyone said would happen. Honestly? I felt like I was raising someone else's child, and that I just had to get through the day without breaking down and bawling on the floor.
But guess what! I made it, and I promise so can you.
I wouldn't give my child up for anything in the world. Her smile is the thing that gets my up in the morning, and makes me so happy during the day, no matter what life is throwing at me.
Just remember, you are "Braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think"- Winnie the Pooh
-Anonymous Mom
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